Saturday, March 9, 2013

Vending Machine Art

I am doing it!  I have completed my prototype for the Artist In Cellophane organization.  I am so excited at the possibility to be chosen as an artist to have mini art pieces placed in Art-O-Mat machines across the country.  If you do not know about these machines, they are recycled cigarette pack vending machines.  An artist out of Winston Salem, NC started these in 1997 and there are more than 400 active vending machines all across the country.  You put $5 dollars in, pull the handle, and "kerplunk" original piece of artwork is delivered in cellophane!  Each piece is 2 1/8 x 3 1/4 x 7/8 inches. The organization makes $2.50 and the artist makes $2.50 each time one is vended.  I'm not into for the money...I would probably do it for free...I just think it is totally cool!  Your prototype has to be approved, then you are asked to make a minimum of 50 individual pieces that will be placed in various machines.  There is no telling what state they may end up in.  I think thats one of the best parts.  What a great way to share your art!

This is the tag that will go
 above the knob on the
machine for my vending column.

My submission form and art piece is
ready for mailing!
Art-O-Mat prototype
Mixed media collage


  1. That is so cool! I'd be tickled pink if I got something like your prototype! Good luck!!

  2. OMG, that is incredibly cool! You must keep us posted about this. Good luck!

  3. That is so cool! Congratulations - I wish that we had them here in Oz.
