Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Art: Day 4

Day 4
Acrylic on 24 x 24 plywood art board.
I had the most perfect day! 
 I started on this piece at 7:30 AM, and worked until 9:30 PM, stopping only to eat.
It was heaven to play with paint an entire day!

Joining Marty's Table Top Tuesday link party.
  All these things were set up on my table while I painted yesterday!

Joining Linda's Nifty Thrifty Tuesday link party.
I found this type writer at GW for $5.99!


  1. I absolutely love this painting! You are so talented. I am in awe of anyone who can paint like that. You go girl!

  2. Wow, I really like this painting. And it looks very similar to my typewriter too. What kind is yours? Mine is an Olivetti Studio 44 in dusky blue/green.

    1. Thanks! My typewriter is a Olivette Lettera 34. I bought it at Goodwill for $5.99 last summer!
      I have the painting hanging in my home office. The letter being typed in the painting is a real letter from my husband's grandmother, 1940's, from her brother in the service.
