Thursday, March 6, 2014


I am trying out Spreecast!  Julie Balzer is using Spreecast to do "Stenciling live".  I got curious about the technology, so I joined and here are the results of my first video cast.

Spreecast: Meet and greet Michelle, from Lucy's Lampshade

Don't expect Hollywood...I spent all of 4 minutes from recording to embedding the link!

Let me know what you think!  I am still figuring things out about the Spreecast site.  Check Julie's "Stenciling Live" while you are in Spreecast.


  1. I tried to find the link. NO Luck.
    GOOD Luck with this new thing ( :

  2. Awwww! You're just adorable! The link is hard to see on your blog post (it's not underlined or bold) but I did find it and look forward to more!
