Saturday, July 28, 2012

Milk Glass with dried hydrangeas!

I did it!  
I dried them!  
First time drying hydrangeas!  
All four milk glass vases were Salvation Army purchases.

I cut the stems on Monday,
hung them upside down in pairs from the light fixture with jute,
and they were dry Thursday!

I used a little styrofoam chunk in each vase.
 I laid a scrap piece of burlap over the styrofoam
 and used a screw driver to make holes through it and the styrofoam.
 I cut stems to length and stuck them in the holes!

I had these in my head for quite a while....
Trish at The Old Post Road paints wonderful pictures of flowers in vases
that look like these.
So, a little reversal going on .....
her paintings inspiring the real flowers!  

Oh!!! The handyman's rust!

Good day of junking!

Yard sale: vintage lunchbox.
Habitat Restore: Craftsman tool box and Waterman tackle box.

Total $11.00
Oh, for the love of a handyman's rust!
Link Parties this week: SNS-145 at Funky Junk Interiors

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sampler Guild Basket

I belong to the Carolina Sampler Guild.  This past year was the guilds 20th year! I have only been a member the last two years.  Two of the lectures and projects this past year have been samplers originating from girls at Salem Female Academy.  I have been fascinated to hear the stories of these girls mainly because my own daughter is attending Salem Women's College, which was formally Salem Female Academy.
The projects that we participated in were sewing smalls that we could use in our 20th anniversary stitching baskets.  I have been behind all year...but I have gotten caught up this summer!  Here is my completed work basket:

These were measuring squares made from photos of our guild's sampler.

Allison Needle Book
Motif & Border adapted from
Peggy Allison's Sampler of 1808
Stitched at Salem Female Academy, NC

Mary Locke's Pinkeep
Motif & border adapted from Mary Locke's Sampler of 1812
Stitched at Salem Female Academy, NC

Ann Wragg Scissors Fob
Motif adapted from Ann Wragg's sampler of 1764
Stitched in Charleston, SC

Mint Tin using perforated paper.
Design and a lecture on the history of perforated paper
was given by a member of our guild.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pin Cushion

Saw this recently in an antique mall.  
Cute way to up cycle those vintage embroidered pieces.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sunshine in the house!

First sunflowers from my yard this year!

Friday, July 20, 2012

My Spot

Welcome to the place where I spend time being creative!
What do I do here?  
I am a mixed media artist, stitcher, painter, scrap booker, 
stamper, quilter, all around crafter, decorator, etc.  
That is of course, when I am not teaching high school science.
 It also serves as my lesson planning/grading papers space! 
(Which also requires a lot creative thinking!)
A formal living room turned into a creative space.
Who needs three living areas dedicated to a couch and a TV?

This room houses everything I love to do.
 It is my spot, my haven, my happy place.
It is quite funny that "my spot" has also become my 18 year old daughter's spot as well.
Humm, wonder who she takes after?
I have everything I need... TV, fireplace, work table.  
Work table with room enough for friends, tall enough to stand at or cut fabric on,  and eat dinner on!
Storage suitcases for storage.
More cute storage in the telephone booth.
Antique English telephone booth turned into TV cabinet 20 years ago.
One of my favorite things!
A favorite piece of furniture holding a few more of my favorite things.
My husband made this hutch for me 20 years ago!
My vintage lunch box collection is great storage for all kinds of supplies.

Mason jars are fun for storage!
I am thinking I like old clocks... maybe a new collection.

Test Tube Rack.... can you tell I am a science teacher?
This corner of the room houses paper craft stuff.
Don't know what I would do with out a real paper cutter!

Those trays and boxes are just spruced up with scraping booking supplies!

Corner cupboard for painting supplies.
The bottom has all my ASCP cans and waxes in it.
Old letter box turned sewing scissor keeper.
Easy access to the sewing machine and thread. 

Of course, a cute place to display some handiwork!

I use that hair dryer drying paint more often than I use one for drying my hair!
Best way I have found to keep ribbon... and be cute.

This corner is where I sit and cross stitch (and watch TV).
I have those supplies on the lowers selves of this bakers rack.
 I also have a magnifying light attached to the rack that I pull over to the chair.

These cardboard magazine boxes have been my #1 viewed post this year.
Just paper and embellishments from the scrap booking section at Michael's!

Rubber stamp storage.
My husband sure is handy with wood!
That little couch makes for great afternoon naps!
I have a fire going on chilly, rainy, winter afternoons.

That other room back there, its the office.  I am still close to the computer for blogging.
(It used to be the dining room!)  Both rooms are next to the kitchen.

This room:

Makes me smile.
Energizes me.
Calms my nerves.
Fits my personality.
Allows me to be the true me.
Illuminates my creative potential.
Bonds mother and daughter.
Is cheaper than a therapist's office.

This room...Its my spot!

Link parties this week: Potpourri Friday

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Anniversary Chair

This is a cute story, not so much about getting a present for my anniversary but who gave it to me, how it was given and where it was bought!

My husband and I went out to dinner for our 22nd wedding anniversary. We left our two college age children at home to fend for dinner on their own.  We returned around 9:00 and was greeted by my youngest, Maddie, with instructions to stay right where we were....the middle of the kitchen.  You could see the excitement on her face about the sheer fact she was giving us a surprise!

She goes around the corner and returns with a T-shirt for her dad that the two had bought at Belks.  Tells me that that was just for him but mine was next.

"Now Mom, yours needs a little TLC.  We went to GoodWill.  I was feeling lucky!  It was the first thing I saw.  And it was just $3 bucks!  You can look now, but remember it needs some TLC!"

Does it even matter what it was after that introduction!!!!!!!

I thought my heart would explode with pride!

She gifted me with a new thrifty project to work on...... my all time favorite thing to do!

Here it is... the anniversary chair.

A $3.00 find
....priceless memories!

It was a June wedding...

22 years ago!

See that slat with the 0 on it?
  It was totally missing when I got it.
Hubby had to help out on this project!

My boys got in on the photo session!
Joining these link parties:
At The Picket Fence...Inspiration Friday!
Miss Mustard Seed: Furniture Friday
Frugalicious Friday